
Monday, 16 December 2013

A Meal With Salvia

Afternoon got Salvia soaked 4g possibly less. Not planned out just decided on a whim. I was feeling experimental. I wanted to try something that I am very reactive to and cannot eat. Lentils was the best choice. I can eat it raw sprouted and have no bad reactions, but when I eat it cooked and not sprouted it can cause almost food poisoning type symptoms for me. In fact the other day I  picked on a lentil dish and had a severe and very uncomfortable reaction. That being said it was not cooked by myself but by another individual whose cooking I should stay away from.

Anyways I made a dish that I didn't even know I was going to make. Made buckwheat pasta and a saucy lentil dish. At the same time salvia was soaking.  My dish took me near around 40 minutes.The important thing is that the dish had to be made by me with positive intentions - my mood had to be positive.

Got to my room and started chewing on salvia, shift starts within 5 seconds. I close eyes relax. I'm aware of the emotional and mental outburst I had yesterday and the circumstances surrounding it. It had to do with one of the beings arranging it - pulling my strings in some sense. It's interesting because I've been thinking of putting off Salvia and the reaction I had yesterday made me want to trip with Salvia to just clear the air.

In the shift breathing changes, I relax deeply and meditate.

All kinds of energy patterns make themselves visible and known. Then an energy pattern that belongs to someone or several people at the time in the house just makes its appearance.
This pattern has something to do with tumors or cancer. Anyways it was there. I had a sharp pain, more of a piercing sensation than pain in the left eye. The beings started to manipulate this, it was either them or something else.  Lots of pain behind eyes, they were focusing here. Pressure building up center of forehead, like a force entering through a vortex. Pain and intense heat behind the eyes. Had a minor headache earlier today, also not in a very good mood. This headache was transforming and revealing as some kind of energy pattern.

I opened my eyes and let them take a look around, that always excites them. Doing this produced other sensations around the body.  At this point  I told them I made pasta and lentils a very indigestible combination, but I expected them to help me digest this. More importantly I ate it as an offering to the groups surrounding me, for the most part what I understand is they get a chance to experience things as I experience them. Anyways so far no bad reactions from the lentils but then only a few hours have passed.

Regarding food in Salvia it has been revealed to me in several trips that food itself has nothing to do with the general health on the physical body. I could not understand this because I was on a healing diet which was actually healing me. What I've learned overtime and I draw all this from my own experience, is that most people with bad health do a lot of emotional eating.

At the time of eating our emotions will dictate what we eat and then those same emotions will do something to the energy pattern of the food and the result is ill health etc. The same thing can be said of the environment in which we live. So food takes on the pattern of the person rather than solely having an effect in and of itself yet all food (plant based and animal based including Salvia itself) have a predefined energy pattern, we all know cheeseburgers and fries are bad for you - but these foods came into the scene when human beings themselves have become quite imbalanced in their state of mind and being. 

In the beginning when I first encountered the Salvia beings they were perplexed that I had to take Salvia to get to that state, apparently how I perceive with Salvia is supposed to be natural for all human beings.

On a healthy diet I was only adding foods that were known to be nutritious and have been proven to improve health, so I consciously sought out those energy patterns that were designed to heal the body. Salvia revealed to me that the health of the body had more to do with my input, that somehow I could eat a pizza or a burger and get the effects of something that is far more nutritious. Beyond this one can actually naturally derive from their own self all that is needed for the body without any need to consume food just simply programming the body with the energy pattern required. That is the aspect I have been focusing on more than trying to eat junk food and changing the pattern there, honestly I don't see the point but it's good to know for those times when you fancy a burger or pizza.

Anyways in general I kind of knew all this from the days when I was experimenting Law of Attraction but not to this degree.

Here are two links that go into more details about how thoughts or intentions can literally change the energy pattern of anything:

The Intention Experiment
Emoto's Water Experiment

Also early morning an incident occured where when I wake up suddenly from sleep there is a shadowy of effect on the ceiling, the forms are vibratory and there is that sense that whilst the physical body was sleeping I had a meetup with them.

Update on lentil results: So far no reaction.

I think this may be the case: several factors go into how the body reacts to food, first every food has a predefined energy when you consume the food you consume the energy pattern, there are other factors that go into this such as the person who cooked or prepared the meal, their state of mind and emotions at the time of cooking.

Second, your body's reaction to the food is determined by your own energy pattern. This means that the overall reaction to whatever you eat has to do with your energy pattern and has the ability to override the energy pattern of the food being consumed.

On Salvia I think something changes within the body to guard it from anything harmful - that is so long as you use it regularly.

I would have to repeat this experiment again without the use of Salvia to see what happens. So far this experiment has only determined that with Salvia I can eat highly reactive foods and have no reactions.

The main thing I really want to determine is how I can eat one food and derive nutritional value of another food - problem with this is there is no actual way of telling whether I've received the nutritional value or not.

Which is why at this stage it's safer to play with the idea that the body can sustain itself purely by the energy pattern (nutrition and nourishment) without consuming food and that is what I'm trying to accomplish at the moment.

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