
Friday 28 June 2019

Past Life Twin Flame Lucid Dream Memory Retrieval

I have been listening to hemi-sync lately and need to do separate post on some of the experiences I'm having with the audio. For now all I can report is that hemisync and combination of other things causing some disturbance or anomalies in the memory department, possible memory error or other stuff.

The following is a dream I had after practicing letting go of attachment to my twin flame. I have noticed that ever since the phenomena became more apparent in my life experience I have latched on with various ideas on how it should play. Today early morning I delved inwards and released this attachment. I sincerely wished for some healing for my twin flame and I simply just let go and surrender to the force or presence that has helped me to attract this energy. There have also been some emotional upheaval that has made me doubt the entire process. This was a lucid dream with some missing gaps.

The dream:
I'm watching telly or scenes through some website. The characters are Asian but I think they are speaking their foreign language. Immediately TF comes to mind because it's his native language. I'm somewhere near him perhaps his dream or something. I feel presence, is it TF? Feel highly lucid and aware. Gaps of bad recall though after this as the next part of dream is what I remember clearly. I then look at a mirror I see my reflection. Am I me here or do I just simply look similar? I'm wearing earrings and other bits of classical Indian style looking jewellery. Most is silver but some is turning to gold. I look pretty, I'm also fair. For a moment I'm either looking away or I immediately capture the glimpse of a man inside the mirror. He locks his eyes with mine as he draws closer to me and I am feeling some sense of recognition. He looks like those Indian, possibly arab guys in those kurta style garments. He has Asian look, brown skin. Darker than me. He keeps staring at me through the mirror it seems he has recognized me. I start to wonder who he is in the last moment before I woke up or moved onto next set of dreams. Is he my TF, the real TF, this physical life TF or it's a past life of  me and TF?

It's possible this is a past life of me and my TF and for a while I have put the intention forth to recall past lives which I will continue to do so.

I think focusing on dreaming has become very important aspect of my life. They are quite healing and even entertaining a lot of the times where my recall is just amazing. I am playing around with various electrolytes such as magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus and calcium. The health of the physical body is important in recall. It's even more obvious now that we are mostly electric and as we retrieve memories especially during dreamtime download and then retrieval it works with the same mechanism applied in computing and information systems.

Saturday 8 June 2019

Hemi-sync with relaxing supplements

I'll be using hemi-sync with supplements that have relaxing effects such as magnesium (the mag calm since to work pretty well) and l-theanine. There are more supps for now these are the ones I will try.

I haven't used hemi-sync in a long time. Have been so busy I am going to journal all my sessions to get ideas of what works and helps with sessions in terms of relaxation and reaching new levels.

Just a general update, this is a time of major releasing and I am working through a lot. Have so much clearing to do and main reason why I want to start the hemi-sync practice again.

Tuesday 5 March 2019

An update on twin flame journey and life stuff

I very rarely get time to do a post unless it's a long list of dreams which I am just uploading as draft for the time being and I really wanted to do the whole dream interpretation but this has also been impossible because of all the extra to do list on my daily agenda.

I was thinking recently and also mentioned this to others how life seems more hectic even though we have automation and technology taking over most aspects of peoples lives. I've never been outside on a bus or other public transport without people hypnotised by their phones, I just cannot remember a day like that. Maybe from my youth and that's it. To be honest, even on the streets! This might sound cruel but I always expect someone to bump into a lamp post.

What a strange world this is becoming indeed....

My twin flame is a very hardworker, as am I and so we don't see each other as often as we'd like but communication is still there. Despite not having that much physical contact there are some other unusual happenings.

I have been prying into some of his interests and recently found a song he liked which reminded me of a copy of a song I had heard growing up, and I really enjoyed listening to. I get the number signs a lot. Other signs include him saying a particular word which I was thinking about only an hour earlier, this is the whole telepathy thing.

It's crazy! Even for me, someone who is well versed in crazy. This is something that I am still digesting but enjoying at the same time.

My recent focus has been on my work which is nutritional therapy and a lot of the times it helps me understand more and more how we are like machines, like robots that have become or perhaps in the becoming process of being self aware.

If you look at that robot Sofia, kind of like her, except we have a unique awareness which I'm not sure could happen to robots... or maybe it could? After all there are days when fishes fall from the sky.

As a human race it would seem we have come very far. I mean we know how to clone, stem cell therapy, and now robots that are cleverer than humans. Then you read the news and you follow what's happening in the world. Or you try to avoid the news but it catches up with you through other people and you just know that something has gone amiss, something has surely gone wrong...

Sunday 27 January 2019

Twin Flame Song

I'm compiling a list of songs that describes or carries the essence of twin flames. I think the following song is so accurate of the feelings and awareness pertaining to the twin flame connection.

I'm still just wrapping my mind around the twin flame concept. A part of me really believes it as I'm experiencing all the signs but a part of me is being cautious.

Saturday 19 January 2019

2019 Update

It's been quite difficult to keep up with this blog since I have been very busy lately however I have so much content currently in draft. I just haven't had the time to go through it all to post only what's relevant. For now some brief updates.

Dreams have always been fascinating and lately I have been aware of a lot of dream time. I try to make note of it as much as I can. Interpreting dreams will take time so unable to do much of this. I have so far had 4 dreams about my twin flame and crazy unbelievable synchronicities.

I think I'm sleeping better thanks to using magnesium oil spray which is helping me dream more.

I'm having weird health issues, hormone changes, joint muscle pain and weakness in bones. Problems with head eyes etc, new sensations. I'm trying to get healthier.

I have used salvia div only a few times with some significant insights. Imagine just staring around and seeing beings embedded in your environment knowing and sensing they have always been there playing along with your life as if it was all make believe. Our surrounding is just as conscious as you are. When you wake up so do they, by wake I mean being in that altered state of mind which I believe is actually our main state of mind. The ordinary waking consciousness, the one you're using to read these words and form an understanding is actually the altered state and when we wake up to the truth of our own being we can see that and only then we can fully fathom reality.

I've been meaning to be using hemisync but again too occupied to be consistent.