
Saturday 29 January 2011

The Guests and The Thieves

Last night whilst Salvia was soaked I viewed the carpet in bedroom - this time more younger looking forms pasted over - people who look like teenagers and kids with a few adults. Previously it was mostly older faces with beards and mostly men.

The lot of them we're smiling and I was certain that the Salvia experience will be extremely positive. 9:20pm chewed leaves and then expected to project but what occured was something I was completely unprepared for.

Everything alive and awake in the usual sense - the faces in the carpet emerge. There is a row of children - teenagers that become clearer in this state and an older man at one end of this line. They are a family. There's something familiar about them, like I know them from somewhere. They want me to get ready to be taken somewhere - heading west, maybe this orientation because my bed is facing west? Sure I'll go, why not?

I lay down light switched off - awareness of inner perception grown. There I sense with eyes closed a row of women and girls. They are asking me for permission if they could come in. After some thought I figured there would be no harm letting them in.

They all started to slip inside me - like I was a house and inside me is a couch where they were seated. I was a little hesitant to let any more in. The place inside me is overcrowded and I'm worried I don't even know what I just let in. They're fusing with my body and the physical surrounding and I felt there was going to be some kind of entity possesion going on. I tried to stop the rest from coming in but a majority already slipped inside.

Now I see a row of young girls - teenagers maybe. An entire row of them but it's dark. They're observing me and then remove their attention and apply it to some other presence. Once again a presence greater than all of us. The girls start to prostrate before that presence. I realize this is some kind of worship. I feel I need to do the same, but I'm still in bed percieveing two worlds - the world where my bed is and the world where there's a worship going on. It might be rude to remain in bed - I could feel the presence approaching me and get on the floor with knees bent. It's getting closer to my turn where the presence will come to greet me. I feel aprehensive and decide to get back in bed and relax - the presence looks a little startled and all the girls look a little perplexed at my behaviour. Then I say 'I worship no one'. They start to feel or begin to whisper to each other.

Switch on light thinking I will simply come out of that state and it will just end - and it literally does end in the most unexpected way. The side of my window - there's a masculine energy coming through. A young boy and others are wearing my house - the boy wearing the side of window looks at me and tells me he's in charge now. He tells me that everything that I've known - the rest of the house - the other parts of my life - people I know have ended now. And I felt it - everything stopped I couldn't hear my family members in the house and that whining sound was really loud like the world really had ended and I regret having decided to make this trip. So much I'm regretting now - my duvet starts to move and I know it's the entities I gave permision to enter my house without any consideration. My room feels like it is shaking - it's moving because the boy is running away with it.

Instead of an AP I am having the reversal, inverse of an AP - this is an in-the-body experience. I feel the deep fear of ending - how could it just all end? There's a sadness but I know there's not much left to do. Suddenly the boy places his attention on somewhere outside in this other place - not on earth because that has ended the only part that remains is the bedroom, myself these entities and a sense of being elsewhere.

There is someone there, giving orders to the boy to stop - some kind of official. I could tell he is being forced to get out of the house - to literally stop wearing it like a garment. As he is being pulled away looks at me angrily telling me that he's not done with me - wow what a bully!

I could feel it, everything is being put back together, get out of room check downstairs everything and everyone is as it should be. Relieved.

Return to room there I still sense them all. I can hear them humming a lullaby as if to soothe me. Feeling extremely cold get in bed - I can feel movement inside. It's the entities I let in - they are feeling me inside. They feel like balls of energy up my legs. I feel a massaging near buttock area going up in my lower back. It spreads throughout the spine. Instead of going straight to the response of fear I ask K energy to do what it has to do. I think K is making them work, it seems that K's agenda overrides their agenda whatever that may be.

I fell asleep and would wake up 2 hours later which occured several times. They're doing something to the body. An infusion with Kundalini energy?

Each time I know I have to go back to sleep - no need to be awake for what they're doing - it might be intensely painful. Waking up each time I was exhausted feeling some deep tissue pain. This interrupted sleep or whatever it was occured 3 times. When it occured for the last time I was told 'just one more time' - I knew I had to relax, try to fall asleep again and then I did a lot of vivid dreaming.

In one dream I'm in my garden - different looking. I bid a large man farewell and as I turn around I see mosquitos and other flies carrying faeces to some dumping ground - they're cleaning up? Then I stand near the door and witness the sun shining brighter and get the message - get some sunlight.

When the thief comes to rob you - not your valuables or possessions but to literally steal you after having robbed you of everything - I don't think there's anything in this world that can prepare you for it, no scripture and no teacher. Even working through your fears will probably do very little in terms of comfort in such a situation.

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