
Monday 17 January 2011

Meet The Family

By 8:20am 4 Salvia quids chewed, perception has been altered - I'm wondering why the surrounding atmosphere hasn't rattled or stirred into activity yet- usually there's a commotion. This time everyone is silent. One part outside the window that I make out to be a face - a part of the structure. This face is deliberately ignoring me. I feel crushed but deep down know why I am being given the silent treatment.

I know I did something that I shouldn't have done and I have inside me a plan formulating to reveal more - the great hidden secrets. I don't see what all the fuss is about, nobody will believe the stuff I say unless they themselves discover these secrets for themselves and the others should think I'm either crazy or have an overactive imagination. I know it has to do with the recent satellite images - as I submitted those images I really felt like I shouldn't but went against these feelings considering them to be mere paranoia.

I lay down - nothing I can do now. My perception changes - the light and shadow are stirring producing visions of beings on the wall and ceiling. There is a female presence, she has my full attention. I'm explaining myself about the situation with the blog. She is like a mother figure and I get the feeling that she is not concerned with what I've done - a male figure enters beside her. I begin to feel disapproval from him - not anger or hate just disapproval of me revealing too much. Suddenly the female and male embrace and kiss - there is so much love flowing here it's strange I don't know if I'm getting punished or what this discussion is about anymore.

There's a crowd forming - a family gathering of sorts. I feel like it's mostly elders, some kids present in the background - they're trying to understand me all the while I'm thinking 'wow how am I gonna write about this on the blog'. They all move in a particular direction - heading for my computer station in the corner. Their attention is focused on the computer - they look at it as though an alien just landed. They seem to have no concept of a computer just that I can sense they want to drain energy out of it. I plead with them not to, it's a brand new computer. I hope they haven't seen the other computers in the house.

The topic changes after I make a deal that I will no longer blog about the secrets being revealed - I don't have permision to do this - not that it matters but nobody would believe it anyways.

The topic is my exit from the game - they're considering it but it is not up to them - they want me to decide it. I don't feel I need to defend myself but I can definitely make them see it in a new light - I tell them about the dream I have - of creating my own little paradise here. I tell them about some problems I am having here and realize I need to be cautious about what I'm thinking when I become this aware of their presence - the connection is strong at these times and when they recieve a full signal from me in this state they conspire to make my every wish come true - no matter how beautiful or ugly it is.

Everyone is slowly unforming - looks like they are walking away or my brain is just slowing down but I spot a little girl - the visual is so clear. She is hiding behind the ceiling light fixture and doesn't seem to leave. She has these big adorable eyes and has been silent the whole time - carefully watching. I get the feeling she's never been human - I wonder who she is - a little sister? So far everyone I met I knew to be family but it wasn't like I suddenly remembered. In fact when I had to describe the paradise I wanted to create on Earth I had to do a lot of rummaging through memories - with them it is simply knowing. I tell the little girl to think before making the jump to be human - maybe learn a few lessons during observation. Almost like I'm telling her to do some homework so that she is prepared.

It was like waking up from a deep sleep where you were dreaming about being human and having human desires. When I found myself surrounded by all these beings I felt they were waiting for me to wake up. So many knowings came to me which I noted down.

I've decided not to share anymore secrets - there's actually more to the images that I've posted. It seems for now it is best to share K experiences and how to handle these new energies.

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