
Thursday 8 July 2010

Salvia 10x extract Experiences

The setting was a little messy, I decided against using my room coz of the possible ramifications of three people out of their minds. We used the 10x extract mixed with the normal potent dried leafs. Method : Smoked in glass pipe.

Meet the sisters:
S is the youngest sister, the baby of the familly
R is the second youngest sister
Ro is the third youngest sister (one year younger than me)

We were in Ss very untidy room, shoved all the piles of mess into corners of the room.

The first sister to take the salvia was the one from the previous post, I realized that it would be best since she had a high tolerance so I put in as big a dose as I could pack in the bowl. She ripped away and off she went. Laughter followed both from her and the audience. R was talking and whispering a lot. S was filming the events. After a few fits of laughter Ro was slowly coming back and pointed at R for ruining her trip and that she might gone a bit deeper. Her main complaint was that she's never heard anyone whisper so much.

Next it was S got excited and took a few hits, after choking on her final inhalation - she was gone. A few giggles later reality around her was a daze of patterns she was moving inside a tunnel and at the end of that tunnel she saw a light. Moving around and mumbling she slowly returned and complained that Ro and R ruined it for her and she explained how this is definitely not something you do with too many people. She was later able to determine that it was the lamp on the floor that she percieved as the tunnel with the light at the end. She was very agitated and annoyed that my other sisters ruined it.

Next it was Rs turn, and it was also the funniest - so funny I couldn't quite help myself and had a laughing fit myself. After a few fits of laughter she got on her knees raised her arms up to the ceiling and shouted softly 'Yay, I want some more'. She started walking around on her knees which was hilarious. She was mumbling about something green and went on and on trying to describe something. She was obviously hallucinating and in the process she picked a few things that we were saying. For eg. She said 'Uggh, that taste in my mouth!' then went on to say 'Who said I ate something, someone said I ate something.' Which was true, it was Ro who was teasing R when she was smoking the pipe. Since R has a big appetite which we all know about, Ro teasingly said 'Oh my God, she's eating it' referring to the way R was inhaling. She said that she was about to go through this massive gate but then she saw Ro and S. She said that if she didn't see them that she would've went through. Again another sister who was playing the blame game. Other than that it was a most intense experience for her. She described green pastures no different to that from 'Lord of the Rings' movies.

Next it was supposed to be my turn but I felt really bad for Ro, the one with the high tolerance level. I told her to take another hit and this time we will all be very quiet. She sat on the bed and a few big hits later and a little laugh, she started to bend her legs out onto the floor stretching her back. After this she moved around a lot speaking very coherently. "Wow, this the pavement. The pave. There's the gate.' And on and on she went trying to describe the scene. Upon return she explained how she was trying to escape, and that we went to one side and were making her a house. I thought by that she meant that we were building her a house? She said "No, you made me into the house and that's why I couldn't escape". So she was the house, interestingly my own experience helped me to understand what happened to her.

I was not determined to take a big dose, with more of the dried leaves and less of the extract I ripped away. I was surprisingly nervous, a bit anxious I think mostly coz of my audience. After a few hits the shift began and I signalled for R to take the pipe, but it turned out I needed one more hit. Took one last big hit then I observed and all around me everything started to shape shift - everything took on a new lease of life. I felt like a big metal pipe was rammed down my throat. A heavy feeling. I kept saying 'I know whats happening', it was all so clear to me. I started to melt all the while coherently describing how I was becoming the carpet - I was still very conscious. A tear welled up in my right eye and I asked if I was crying. The tear treacling down my cheek had an incredibly intense sensation. As the tear dropped to the carpet I felt like the tear did not seperate from me instead it was like a cord being attached to the carpet whilst still hooked in my eyes. My body was melting but at the same time merging with all that was around me. Now I had a few complaints of my own - the sound of my sisters voices and their presence was not helping at all. I didn't want to go deeper than this with them around and because of that I started to resist going any further and slowly started to be more centred and grounded. It probably lasted only a few minutes - did not bother to keep track of time during this first time use with the extract. Interestingly I was the only one who did not move around like a raving lunatic nor did I laugh uncontrollably.

I remember when I started to get normal I was trying to describe my experience a bit more and told them how I was melting into everything and everything was merging with me. Then my sister Ro said 'Yeah, it's like everything becoming one', and then it really hit me, that was exactly what was happening and it is what many people who've had profound spiritual experience would describe as the Oneness experience. I guess I was experiencing a fraction of that Oneness, I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like to be One with the Universe.

I will definitely be exploring more with Salvia, but not so much with the extract. If I do use the extract I will only do it with a sitter after S's second time with the extract her hallucinations moved her from the room to the end of the hallway - I got worried and had to guide her back. She said that that experience similar to Ro's, that just like Ro she felt trapped and needed to escape. She also thought I was the window and when I moved to the other side of the room she was following me and thinking 'Why is the window moving?' LOL!

On the S-A-L-V-I-A scale I was on level I (5) and according to my sisters accounts they were also on the same level.

I will be smoking and using quid balls (chewing method) of Salvia Leaf with specific set intentions.

Sisters After Views

Ro's View
Initialy Ro was pretty excited and just waiting for a trip. I also recall her saying to S about their plans for Fridays late night party, that if the Salvia works they will take a dose before they go. For her this whole thing was just for kicks - despite me explaining the spiritual aspect of this herb. After her trip she said she never wants to try this again, at least not anytime soon. It left her depressed, angry and moody. I told her that she was normally like that long before smoking Salvia. I think it's quite possible that Salvia did not induce these emotions instead it simply accentuated the current existing emotions hence why it is recommended that Salvia be taken in the correct state of mind.

R's View
She enjoyed it but thought it was so crazy that this stuff is legal. She wasn't sure about trying it again but only for that night. Her experience was rather intense, although she mostly enjoyed it.

S's View
S really enjoyed her experience, she was getting in the flow but very agitated with Ro and R for ruining her state of mind. She even tried it for a second time and would definitely use this again, however I think for her it is just something fun, to kill the occasional boredom.

My own view is that smoking seems really intense - not the experience itself but the effects on the lungs and my throat and not to mention makes me feel jittery and just not physically right. I will certainly be looking into the chewing method.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your experience. Salvia is available now over the online stores. It comes in salvia 10x, salvia 20x, salvia 40x, salvia 60 x, etc. Explore the websites to know about the services and prices charged.
