
Monday, 15 February 2016

Another Morning Sexual Incident

Last night read some SGGS (Sri Guru Granth Sahib) and some after awakening around 4 am. By 5 am I attempt to relax and get some sleep. I'm instantly awakened with some sexual arousal that is hard to contain. I am sleeping on my right side. I can feel something holding me in this position. There are amorous feelings coming from it. The closeness is too real. I can feel pressure applied to the side of the neck. I look and see my right arm raising up.

There wasn't that sense of violation, I felt too close to this unknown presence. Tingling and other sensations present, intoxicated trying my best to control myself. When I open eyes I feel right arm underneath resting seeming to have been lifted. It was definitely not right physical arm that moved but a copy or version of it.

No tired feelings, but not too energetic although today got more done than usual.

I feel though what if it is the combination of the others that I see giving me the feeling of being close to something and inducing sexual feelings. I mean after all this human form is what I perceive to be a combination of exactly that at least in those deep Salvia induced meditative states.

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