
Sunday, 31 January 2016

Half Human Half God

I took the following notes whilst under the effects of Salvia on my phone device using app where I entered new lines so I'm adding the lines exactly as they appeared seems more clearer. Will do updates with notes when I have more time.

31/01/2016 around 7ish pm meditated with salvia
Have to lose my sense of being here now
My now and here stops me
It's our sense of me and now stops us
When we have no sense of ourselves he sees and knows we're  ready
Comes for us
Let go of it all
He is behind it
Has given us the power
He can end me now
I'm deep in that state
Where I'm aware of it
He's gonna forgive us all
But he knows all our wrong and right
Can't lie to them
They know all
The other humans are a part of the drama
Somehow they're in on it
I understand so much from the gospel
Will just read that
Now I know why he and his type get persecuted
Am I cheating with the leaf?
Actually is easy to be in this state
Let go of your sense of self, it's pretense
People I thought are just a part of a plot
Jesus was persecuted
I could see the people like this being labelled loony
When I am in that state I feel sorry for those trying to make it big
Get big and successful in the end you give up. No one takes it from you, you will literally give it up
Our attachment makes us forget
The entire world and people in misery why He not help them
He can but they need to recognize their actual true state
That's what will save them
Ones true state of being is the salvation

As I typed salvation on phone keypad suggestion for word Pharaoh kept popping up, was annoyed but then felt it was suggesting to me through the phone so I searched Pharaoh on google

"A Pharaoh was the most important and powerful person in the kingdom. He was the head of the government and high priest of every temple.The people of Egypt considered the pharaoh to be a half-man, half-god. The Pharaoh owned all of Egypt. Interesting fact. The ancient Egyptians did not refer to their Kings as Pharaohs."

That's exactly how I would describe the state I am in when in these meditations  half-human, half-god.

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