At around 7pm I got chewing with the intention of meditating deeply. I have been feeling a little uneasy past few days though there is a lot more peace and quiet in house for me to meditate and in the coming weeks I intend to use salvia to meditate. Lights were off and room completely dark. Into that deep space I enter deeper and I feel energies around me. The chewed up salvia is still in my mouth but I remain still with eyes closed. My body has changed I can feel the energy around me has become stronger. Everything I've been pondering recently has become clearer as though it was all prepaved and in that moment I understood everything. The Truth is clear to me in this state, this state, this way of being is the Truth. So how is it we don't experience that? Why are we not in our True state, our actual way of being which is peaceful and wholesome? In that state I didn't need to ask this question, the insight was immediate. Our bodies are poisoned, this poisoning has caused an imbalance so much that it's malfunctioned. Because our bodies have become numb and malfunctioned we can't feel what is true, we live in falsehood. The infection started in our mind and has spread throughout the body. We have to free the body of pollution. I felt it, Truth was coursing through my veins.
I got the feeling that an elite group of some kind caused this. The idea was to pollute the mind and then the body in order to render it useless and I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories. I even got the feeling JFK was going to expose this to the masses or even sort it out hence why he was assassinated.
I've been watching a documentary on ancient civilizations. From the Mayans to Anasakis series is called Secret Worlds. These civilizations prospered for a period of time until something happens rather suddenly causing their downfall. I wondered why and made a connection. Each civilization would prosper well at least appear to prosper. However they soon would erect temples and buildings specifically for religious purposes often for worship. This would lead to deforestation, for the sake of these temples. Also it was a time when agriculture became popular and the way to farm. Temples would be built by stones which would have needed to be mined. This exposed people to a lot of heavy metals thereby changing people's behavior. Added to this the constant deforestation eventually led to the degradation of mankind because of the lack of oxygen.
Now if you fast forward to current day civilization where deforestation is occurring at an even more alarmingly rapid rate, water supplies heavily contaminated, as well as food supply and pollution from all kinds of sources you can see just how we have evolved as human beings. The world is spiralling into insanity, there is madness spread throughout the world already.
Going on a healing journey myself with iodine supplementation and health protocols has made it more apparent that the current human condition is a direct result of poisoning.
In that state something had a grip on the heart and I got the feeling one wrong move and the body will come to its end. At the same time I felt this danger there was also a feeling of being protected.
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