
Tuesday 8 February 2011

The One and Only by a Single Line

The One and Only by a Single Line

This picture is part of a private collection of the Trinity- Sergiev Monastery, Russia. I came across it reading Book 2 Ringing Cedars of Russia by Vladimir Megre. In the book Anastasia mentions something significant and how it has something to tell people. So, I thought this morning's Salvia trip will be about this image. I really want to figure it out. I knew somehow it had to do with seeing faces. His face was suddenly alive. Two faces emerged from the top of his head near the thorned vine, they moved about looking at me - they were two girls. Then more beings on the sides of his hair moving about slightly. I focused on the blood oozing out from thorns and then the main face in the middle - the face of Jesus it was strangely still yet moving. I wanted him to speak - to give me the message.

Surely there can't be silence, why doesn't he move his mouth or make some movement - it is just parts of his image that are moving. Maybe I need to chew a bit more even though the effects weren't wearing off. I chewed and once again waited - but nothing more than what I had previously seen and suddenly as if watching the whole time that presence makes a move.

This time I trusted it, no fear on my part. I can feel it getting stronger as if getting up. It embraced me and all I felt was warmth. There was immediate sexual stimulation. I lay down and relaxed - the presence isn't alone, there are others like it. All preparing for a trip, we're going somewhere. I close eyes and we are moving to unknown places I am trying to make sense then I realize I have to be quiet - the place we are going to there has to be complete silence from me.

We're buckling up, I get the impression the others are wearing seat belts. The presence continues to embrace me lovingly and I hear from the others asking it if it is ready to go. We're moving now on some kind of vehicle and I'm very silent.

Then there's background physical noise and the vehicle stops moving. The others are looking in my direction. They have to stop the ride now because of the noise coming from physical. I didn't feel it was my fault I was quiet the whole time. The presence has wrapped itself around me as though I were a prized possession.

The other beings are now hovering above in my bedroom on the ceiling. As always these others are always stunned by my awareness of them. Then the presence holding me tells them something - and gently starts to stimulate me sexually. Wow, they seem completely shameless mostly because this energy means something else to them and this open public display is a little awkward for me but I have come to realize anything we think we do in private is being watched by many. We have an audience in whatever we do.

The faces started to dim down, I wasn't done yet I still wanted to understand them. I started chewing remaining leaves and see the contours of their face return and they are moving. This time I noticed they realized that I'm not permanently aware of them to this degree having seen that I needed the leaf to induce this state. I can hear them now they're speaking but with sound - not actual words - a echo vibrating difficult to describe kind of sound. I am being signalled by presence to relax. I feel them excited and cheering. Closed eyes I see little people - they're surgeons. They're planning to operate on me.

They are carrying me with them, we're checking out other people - they feel like real living people going about ordinary routine. They're scanning brains and find one they are looking for - they make a copy or something and replace the front part of my brain with it. I feel the tactile sensations of this surgery but interestingly it is completely painless - yet there is pressure.

I think they're trying to make this perception more permanent - they certainly have made some changes. Open eyes and my sight feels clearer like everything is sharper and intense. Then lay down again and still there's more work in that part being done - not complete yet and I haven't noticed anything else yet. My perception of their movement has closed but I think it is a matter of acclimating slowly to the changes.

Amazingly the physical severe pain that plagued me since yesterday has stopped.

I think the most amazing impact of this experience is that I feel so loved and I started to understand why certain relationships just died down, why I couldn't just commit myself to any of these relationships - it is like I have been seeking for The One and Only looking in all the wrong places when all along The One and Only has always been with me.

1 comment:

  1. This remembers unusual, challenging and pleasant experiences for me. Thank you
