
Tuesday 15 February 2011

New Clothes - Psychic Surgery

Woke at 1:15am but 2am gave Salvia another shot since there was this perfect silence. I transition fast with immediate perception of friends.

The Surgery
We're going shopping. There's some assistant I feel my friend asking for a completely new outfit for me. Once again I am given temporary persmission to go through certain restricted areas for what appears to be 'my kind'. There's a conveyor belt and I get this sense that we're looking for a new pair of boots. Upon further observation I see that these aren't ordinary boots that humans wear. They are actual physical human fleshy legs. I slip into a pair that seems to fit perfectly but panic. What if they don't fit so well, wouldn't there be some problem in physical. What if I end up walking strangely in physical. They are moving me faster now, we're in such a rush I don't get more time to think more about my concerns. There are more conveyor belts - I see hanging carcasses - actual human flesh and immediately realize these aren't simply bodies, they're garments. There's a really strange looking woman whose flesh is forming and binding like she's trying everything out - this is stuff that you'd think only appear in horror movies. Strangely I'm not afraid - I've moved beyond fear. They are now picking something suitable for me. I don't seem to have much of a say - I have no idea what I'm supposed to wear - feel really new to this so I leave it to the experts. Besides, I seem to have no idea why they're so interested in getting me a new outfit. Being wheeled somewhere and over me I can feel they have arranged the garment - put the parts together.

Suddenly perception of this other place is dimming - I have to get back something's about to happen so I chew remaning leaves. I can feel others around me but at the same time a new energy or force has come through. I can feel the entity of this house is being plucked like some kind of mother has come to pick her children up. They're all adamant about not leaving and point at me, that they won't leave without me. The energy observes me, they've just noticed something. I feel I am surrounded now. I get this impression, they're going to perform a kind of surgery on me. Wow a psychic surgery, I am so excited, will this heal the physical body, make it stronger maybe I'll get some kind of special ability from this. Fine, I'm ready do what you have to do.

They get working and from 3am to 7am I am awake, stay absolutely still and feel the entire procedure - very intense yet pain free. The only thing that really felt bothersome was staying still my body had compressed so much into the mattress I can feel springs pressing on my flesh. The sensations though pain free were so intense. It started with each toes being pressed repeatedly. I felt this extreme pumping of the veins, like something inside them. Pressures under feet, something pushing through. One point my entire body heated up I thought they literally set me on fire and I was actually burning. There were moments when several aeroplanes passed by in the dark sky, and the lights were so alarmingly intense and bright.

Post- Surgery
By 7am the procedure was still not complete and I couldn't sense them - didn't know if I could move or what. Moved arms slowly, grabbed salvia bowl - still a lot left. Started chewing, I want to know what's next - I really want to be able to move again. I wish they could put me to sleep if it was still not yet complee. New forces have come through, I particularly recall two men and some elders. We've just been caught and I sense that the one's performing surgery have fled. I feel so abandoned. I can't recall when but at some point, I felt to be on a stretcher, my friends were wheeling me out - hiding somehwere, so the elders don't notice. I get lost somehow in a factory where I see other beings that look like toy soldiers being prepared for something. On their foreheads they are being stamped with black ink. I am on the conveyor belt and about to get stamped. Then I'm found again being wheeled. I see there is a tunnel, we're going through, first my friends are going and then one friend stands near the threshold encouraging me to quickly get in. I move in but something is pulling me back - I want to go in but I can't I look at my friend confused and being sucked away, seperated from them I am being sucked back into physical environment.

What now? Are they just gonna leave me half done, what about my physical life? Will I end up totally crippled. I want to cry, telling the elders who are still there to let my friends complete this now. I am explaining to them that they were performing a kind of surgery on me. I so regret taking more Salvia - it is like with each new intake there's a louder sound that emits from you and others will hear you. So, by taking more at that time I created more noise and attracted forces that did not approve of what was going on.

Still the sense that I got from the two men was that they're listening to me and trying to understand me - I think the problem was I just could not understand them. Opened physical eyes and decided to just make peace with the situation. What's done is done, who knows maybe the procedure will be complete later. I became increasingly depressed after this.

It was only in my next experience that I found out that they weren't psychic surgeons but tailors - they were stitching my new garment and there is a very important reason why they had to do this.

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