
Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Salvia in the Park

Today early in the morning decided to walk in the park for a bit. I realised I've been putting off trying Salvia in the park as I was just quidding so doing this in the park was not at all convenient. Now that I am using the extract it should be easier.

When I got there although very cloudy the sun was visible, and sometimes the clouds would clear a little at a time.

In my other posts I wrote about how the beings I encounter are usually fascinated by something above and that this same something is visible to us only we don't pay much attention to see it, something to do with awareness.

I was keeping an eye out for this especially now that there are no walls, no potential for beings overcrowding my view, out with all the elements.

I even briefly pondered on communicating with the trees and plants and as I walked by declared my intention of opening up to them.

With glass pipe in hand and just a very tiny pinch of 25x extract I got ready. It was windy, keeping the lighter ablaze was difficult. I also felt a little insecure in case anyone saw me. I realized the conditions were not right but went ahead.

Transition fast, I seem to want to be in more control, not letting myself go fully. In my last trip the other day I've had no choice but to let go. I quickly sit down and look up at the sky, at the sun. I feel distracted, there's a guy jogging and a few seconds a dog running directly towards me but then quickly moves. Suddenly I hear rattling, in fact my hearing changes dramatically. I can hear more intensely, sounds that I would ordinarily not have noticed.

Something is falling besides me, I look behind and notice it is branches or twigs from a tree and the rattling sound is coming from this same tree. I have this sense of a presence, something actually moving the tree about - trying to communicate with me and at the same time it was like this tree itself was just as living as I am and had the capacity to communicate with me or anyone.

This was fun. I ended up in another part of the park. There was just not enough privacy to try it again properly. I went ahead, with a few passerbys. The second time everything viewable was very sharp and crystal clear. I saw a small brown bird hopping by and it looked so robotic at the same time I felt like it had the complete awareness with which I was experiencing this reality at that moment. It was an insult, I felt a little offended by myself that I as a human being lacked this clarity which was very natural to this bird.

Interestingly when I walked to another area of the park I came across a man who was practicing tai chi. Something about this seemed intriguing.

I have been trying the extract for some time now, not writing about it for now I'm still not sure on the exact reason for this. I have found myself many times agreeing with the others and seeing for myself that it was not wise to reveal.


  1. Hi Dylan,

    I'm glad you found this blog. Although I've written over a hundred posts on my experiences with Salvia I don't think I've adequately justified any of these experiences. There is an indescribable state that needs to be experienced.

    I will be exploring with Salvia around nature by quidding method soon.

    I know what you mean by the water having a cartoon like quality. I find everything surrounding me looks fake and yet there is something within everything brimming with life.

  2. I have often felt there is something indescribable that I wish I could communicate to others about the experience. I seem to only be able to guess about what it is. The information in that state of mind seems to come as feelings/impressions, which can be put into words, but the words are only a guess as to the meaning of the experience. I often called them insights, but either I don't get those same insights so profoundly anymore, or they just don't feel so profound. (I've concluded that perhaps Salvia has told me all it needs to for now... but am not sure that is true.) One example is the impression I once had that we are far more controlled in this reality than we realize. But I never fully figured out what that meant. Perhaps it means that we are a product of our conditioning and upbringing, and act somewhat deterministically like machines. This would correspond to a theme of the recent movie, "Captain America", that a computer could predict people's behaviors in the future. But I am a believer in free-will, and think people could go in many directions, so how true is that? I don't know...

    I often felt, in the midst of the Salvia-trance, as if I were on the threshold of remembering something significant, but could not pin down what that was. I felt like I was about to pop over to the "other side"; maybe to the land of the dead? So to speak.. to the land of spirits, who are not currently incarnated in bodies. I have also had the strong impression that we have very close friends in that realm, and that the friendships and relationships in this life tend to be relatively shallow compared to the deep relationships we have in that realm.

  3. "I felt like I was about to pop over to the "other side"; maybe to the land of the dead?"

    This other side is already present here, right now. I've often looked at it as if it was some other place. It is just that this side here is a disguise of that so called other side. There are all kinds of beings or spirits I have encountered in the Salvia state and I'm sure there's more.

    In one trip I encountered the beings who were playing the role of my mother and grandmother as they or their bodies were sleeping in another room. They both thought I was dead, meaning I completely let go of my body. Then I noticed that one of them was trying to completely or permanently let go of their body. Understanding this I quickly opened my eyes, and that is when they in that awareness witnessed how I remained in both states which surprised them but most importantly stopped them from making the exit from this life.

    I've since then felt that the beings we meet in that realm and any realm are the same people we encounter in this world. I know friendships and relationships can be so utterly shallow in this life but I think it is because we do not connect on a deeper level with who we really are.
