Understanding the Others
It's official 'they' appear to be wearing everything - 'their' faces everywhere. Was going or taken somewhere but fidgeting physically - can't relax.
When that awareness is there and opens up the physical world seems so unimportant - the worries, concerns, dreams, desires seem to have no significance - I am taken back to those questions. Who am I? and Why am I here? As usual body rocking, flutters and all that.
I can see their faces but why is it that only under Salvia effects they move - though now without Salvia they flutter and move in slight waves - not so much that I could say to another person 'Look at that being moving inside the wall'.
I could see how if 'awareness' was fully open life would be so different.
How is it that this world is not real, an illusion and we as human beings have so much worries, concerns, so much suffering.
Why are 'they' not doing something about it? or are they? Can they even be trusted?
When aeroplanes pass by they withdraw attention - jealousy present when this happens. What's so spectacular about those aeroplanes? I realize it's not the aeroplanes but the energy pattern behind it consisting of a majorly gigantic group. The plane energies are changing their focus towards me when I'm open or aware. I wish communication was clearer.
The Light Body
They are there as usual - this time it seems they've been waiting and I get the sense that they have also been watching.
The sounds of the aeroplanes, birds all noise converts into audible understanding.
Get this sense that in PR - certain individuals have been trying to stop me which explains the interruption phenomena. Today I was a lot more calm about this making peace with it. Individual parts of body = individual bits of consciousness. The others are yanking at me - no - there has been an energy wave encapsulating - pulsing and magnetizing with the body. Is this energy Soul body or what in the spiritual communities people are referring to as the light body. I have been feeling this bouncy energy around me - very strong in legs.
I can see the various beings surrounding me clearly now - they're yanking at this other body and the signal becomes strong. I'm about to die, no - the body is about to shut down. Or will it? are they doing something else? is the body really at risk? The energy light legs and part of torso have come out, but head region is stuck or maybe another part. Their trying their best and I can even feel the struggle of the pull.
At that moment I wasn't sure that I was ready, still so much I want to live - so much I have yet to do here. There is a movement right now on Earth to paradise the entire landscape and I wanted to still be a part of it but in the end even this desire I will have to let go of. I started to think about tying up some loose ends, sorting out a will and everything you could imagine a dying person would think about. I feel at the midpoint of something, a transition greater than what can be born in one's imagination.
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