
Thursday, 29 October 2015

Reality is Created VS Reality is Pre-ordained

Recently I started reading the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, a very long book with over 1000 pages, I've gotten to page 170 something. It is a very interesting read, I am trying to understand it, not to become a sikh but because I feel I have been led to this book. It's interesting because our lives are a series of events and if you have the time to trace back all those events you will see how everything was cleverly put together to determine some outcome which is your now, this present moment.

I had an interesting discussion with my sister who experienced a phenomena where she knew a certain incident was going to take place and it eventually did. I asked her if she felt that we created our reality or our reality is already set or preordained.

If we create reality then can we predict what will happen next or are we merely creating it with our feelings of what would happen next. I've dabbled a lot with Law of Attraction and I've attracted (deliberately consciously thinking experiences into my life), but could it be that me participating in manifestation is something that is just merely written as part of the great story that is my life.

The Sri Guru Granth Sahib has been a very intriguing read so far. It very much reads like a typical holy text book where there's a God you should be devoted to and worship to be saved. Often mentioned is that the Great Lord pre-ordained our lives that it is through the will of this great Lord that everything happens, he writes our destiny and it is through the will of this Lord that we awaken to it.

It is very interesting, a lot of it takes me back to my childhood. Once as a young girl at the age of 8 I was playing with my little toys, plastic animals. I'd give them names, an identity and I'd make up relationships between them. Staring out the window I would observe the world around me, from the tall buildings to the local parks that were visible. I'd look up at the sky and wonder 'Am I like my toys, is there someone who is playing with me the way I am playing with my toys'.

Fast forward to my teenage years when I had English lesson. There was some discussion about religion and God. One of the students, a very expressive outspoken girl announced she had no belief in God. Her reason was because if there was a God then why would he allow all this chaos, the poor starving people, so many wars and killings. Why would an all powerful God who could do anything allow so much dread in the world. Again I found myself looking beyond the window, in the open sky wondering if there was something that was playing us as though we were puppets.

The Sri Guru Granth Sahib states that everything is preordained by the Lord. A person can think that they are doing something and that is false because it is only the Lord that does the doing.

There's something about this book that is drawing my attention, some kind of clues in here.

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