
Friday, 8 September 2017

Nicotine dreams update

I am still taking the nicotine lozenges, sometimes I've had around 1mg during day at moments when I feel I need something to relieve anxiety, seems to work.

I've been taking 1mg before sleeping and then once I wake up in the middle of the night another 1mg. Dreams are very vivid. This morning I woke up from a really upsetting (made me cry in dream and sad once awake). Again related to real life. In the dream my sister was suffering some kind of trauma, I tried to calm her and then myself trying to figure out what happened to her. This was kind of like a nightmare, a very emotional one.

Other dreams seem to be about Sil, someone I have a hard time getting along with in reality. In the dream we seem to be getting along. I am dreaming about Sil nearly everyday. Maybe I should use this as my dream cue.

I've also dreamed about my cat who died years ago. 

The dreams are very consistent and they make sense. Nothing strange and unfortunately nothing entertaining.

So far I don't believe I have been lucid, just good dream recall. I'm using small dose and amazed at the progress and recall ability, will be trying the nicotine patches soon.

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