
Thursday, 10 March 2016

Post Head Injury Brain Charge and Kundalini Activity

I had a head injury last weekend (was attacked in an unbelievably horrendous manner). I have survived the incident and am in recovery mode. Experienced some minor memory loss.

Lots of blood loss, I think the blood loss happened for some kind of reason. This is going to sound unusual but I've been detoxing for a while and it's possible that a lot of toxins have been floating around in my system. While in hospital I considered what if the incident (as well as a severe blood loss incident last December) was planned (by the One who dreams up this entire reality) in order for blood loss to remove floating toxins. God works in mysterious ways.

After the incident, first two days falling off to sleep I'd catch myself smiling, a very happy smile and feeling at peace whilst drifting off.

This morning when it was still dark I felt a presence behind me. The encounter was very sexual though no lust present. Presence reminded me of someone I'm currently seeing.

Had the mula bhanda experience, tailbone rattled and then there was a charge in the brain, pulsing electrical sensations.

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