Exhausted and slept early yesterday. Just after 9:20 am I awakened with the moonlight glaring at me, very bright almost like a torch light shining directly in my eyes.
After this sleep was impossible and spent most of the night researching. Then by 3 am I attempted to go to sleep.
Soon enough I was waking up again, only this time my arms were moving on their own. I was looking around the room not sure about the arrangement. Soon enough my body was rising up and a few times sinking, I felt like I was being placed upright at one point. There was also some sexual arousal present.
It was like something else had taken possession and complete control over my body, if it was even my body. I thought at one point what if this is another person, another room similar to mine. I recall Robert Monroe having experiences similar to this, waking up in another life.
The arms had this unusual way of floating, elegantly and softly curling upwards and extremely lightweight.
A few times I was only able to control my arm movement slightly, towards the end I felt stuck in that state and tried to move out of it. Regaining control was difficult and took long until I snapped out.
This seems like a classic OBE.
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