Lots of inner as well as outer experience with and without Salvia.
Salvia experiences similar to others but enhancing or expanding. The awareness of the small beings that combine in order to form physical has heightened significantly. Sometimes its a stampede inside when all at once they rush in.
Interestingly their movements happen without my control until I start controlling them at which point I get realization that I thought them into being and all the movement is a projection from me. In my last experience which was last night I realized that these 'others' had complete knowledge about my every move and intention - they seem to know what I've been up to every little detail and this is simply because they live internally as well as in the external setting. I was upset not because of them or anything they had done but over my own actions over the span of the Salvia exploration and desperately needed a new lease to correct my errors.
There were incidents of body parts (beings) detaching and some feeling of major pain - when this occurs I am forced to open eyes and reveal to them pain area so that they can stop. Great changes going on within body - a new energy group present, they seem to have been observing lately.
It's all rather confusing and right now I'm not going into any more details.
Early morning root lock sensation, thumping sexually without being consumed by urges.
A few days ago early morning in a paralysed state the chair in my room which had a dress was moving and physical room was either being put back together and I simply got to catch a glimpse of the process.
On another day, aware in that other state I started to project - legs going up and then slowly spinning round and outdoors exploring. A few times I ended up back to the bed with legs rising. One time legs went all the way over - which was near to scary as it seemed bones would crack and I sensed another there controlling the body. Then legs were invisible yet I was able to sense the movement as well as controlling it.
In another experience early morning, opened eyes still dark out yet I can see clearly a womans face as though she were sitting on me. She appeared so suddenly and looked way too familiar yet it took some time to realize that it was my own face, at least the face I occupy in physical reality. She or should I say 'I' was smiling and looking at myself which creeped me out. Quickly opened or maybe closed eyes. After this had an unrecallable projection.
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