
Saturday 13 July 2024

Time Travel

 From dream journal:

3rd July 2024
What if I told you we could travel through time?

I can't be sure how it started. But here's what I recall. It was probably 5:40am before I fell asleep after tossing and turning. My mind was occupied with how I was going to make banana chocolate coconut chip cakes. I have to utilize ingredients and have to use the kitchen within a certain time. I leaned sideways on my right side but felt uncomfortable.

I'm going out of body and this may have happened a few times. Suddenly I am somewhere with family. I see my eldest sister and wonder where my nephew is. When I spot him I realise he's the younger version. It took some time before I realised I might be dreaming. I became very lucid but the scene changed rapidly that I can't recall the transition between scenes.

In one OBE like event I was in a random bed and noticed another bed opposite which made me think I might still be dreaming. Lots of things must have happened in between but the following is the most significant.

Dining room scene: J lemonade soaked cashews which seems to annoy me. I think maybe I should smash it onto the ground and say it accidentally fell off. Then tamed my anger and simply moved. I look across near the door in the hallway (reality home) a woman stretching a shawl. I wonder if it's mum. I quickly follow her as she walks away but she is very short tiny like a child. I look at her but can't recognize the face. I go in kitchen walking past people I can't seem to recognize. I go out to the garden and memory of scene trails off here.


I am outside sitting under a canopy tent with seat and table amongst strangers. We're having a lively discussion. I mention how it's hard to stay healthy with all the pesticides in food etc (very much a topic I discuss in reality). The others are saying things that I can't vividly recall atm. I then start talking about cancer and I realise that nobody is listening with a woman to my left and man in front of me. Both perhaps in their 50s or 60s. I ask them suddenly "What if I told you we could travel through time?" And then it hits me, suddenly as if I realized in that moment who I was (you know the 'me' that is writing this entry at this very moment) and knowing that I realized what I am doing there and how I got there. OMG. Quick think, where am I? I look around asking "Where is this? What is this place?" No, wrong question! "When is this place?"
Suffice to say the people around me by now thought I was a nutter lol
I ask a woman to my right who is standing "What year is it?" She mumbles something unintelligible, now thinking back I don't know if she was just taking the piss. I look at the man sitting in front of me asking rather urgently the same question and he very clearly replies "It's 2023" moving his mouth very slowly as if I was stupid. And with that I open my eyes transitioning back to reality or should I say 2024.

Woke up around 5:50am

Wow wow wow

This is my first proper time travel or at least the first I'm able to recall

I should note down here that last night I rapidly fell asleep and was in such a deep sleeping state but had my phone on loud that when I got two calls at two different times disturbing my sleep I was so groggy that I slipped back to sleep unable to stay awake. It was after 3am I woke up after about 7 hours with failed attempt to sleep some more but then around 5am tried to just relax. I have been experimenting with one of my formulas again. I had castor oil on my eyelids. I'm trying to think what exactly helped enter this state to repeat it

Thursday 1 February 2024

Hello 2024 - biohacks, astro knowledge, third eye opening and more

So I started this New Year with a bit of a bump on the road. There was an incident. A virus escaped. A lot of people died. The trouble was, they didn't stay dead. Okay just kidding guys lol. The flu wasn't that bad but almost did wipe me out. Doing a lot better now, trying to be good and kind to my body, eating as healthy as I can.

I put my biohacks on pause from winter period simply because just wanted to have a break from pill popping and tried my utmost best on incorporating more healing foods. 

This year my intention is to adapt to a diet that is about 90% healthy as right now it's in the range of 60-70%. I think the focus should not be simply on foods but how a person eats too. Taking into consideration times to eat, what to eat and how to eat. Example chop food up and chew until it turns into a smoothie in your mouth. 

I think there should also be an emphasis on various healing practices like yoga, pranayama breathing techniques etc. So I'll be doing more of this.

I'm going to be using hemisync too. I always seem lose track when doing the program. Need to find ways to make sure I utilize these practices. It's difficult when you have so little time. 

My dreams past two days are on another level, feel like I am waking up in other peoples lives or different realities, too real to not be real. Often I wake up sensing the importance of the dream.

Example of a dream: There is an incident everyone was running looking up at the sky announcing that the sun is going to fall, later some mythical elephant and shark like creatures are frozen in ice. It would seem many eons later those same creatures were defrosting and coming back to life. The elephant was pulled up by some invisible force, not much recall after that but I woke up feeling like this acutally happened in some past existence. It's the feelings that come with the dreams that are more profound than the events.

Another dream which occured in this mornings second sleep phase was incredibly vivid. I was surrounded by a group of ethiopian women standing. I was lying down on a bed. I try to convince them of their special abilities with a focus on their third eyes. I tell them that the artwork based on them depicting big eye on middle of forehead is no creative endeavour, it is literally telling them about their powers. However it doesn't work and they slowly creep up closer to me, I close my eyes knowing there's not more I can do and then feel the sensation of the knife against left side of my head. 

These do not feel like ordinary dreams, or maybe they are and because of the lucidity and vivid experience it feels almost the same as reality. Some days I cannot recall anything but will be keeping tranck. 

Whilst I had the flu I slept around 20 hours yet barely had any dream recall. The sleep at this time was definitely healing. 

I'll try to keep this blog updated.

Wednesday 27 December 2023

Year 2023 Conclusions

 As the year comes to a close I thought I might as well post some updates and what I have learned and discovered this year. The focus has been on biohacking and learning more about planetary influences dabbling in astrology but using my own intuition to guide me rather than learning from a book or other knowledge base. 

My twin flame, and someone I considered a soulmate have all but completely disappeared from my life but this year I forged new acquaintances that have been like lessons in life. My dear mum passed away this year. Life is a balance of holding on and letting go...I believe it was Rumi who mentioned that. 

I am curious what 2024 has in store, not just for me but the whole planet and its earthly inhabitants. 

There is going to be some major solar flares coming up, a peak activity of the current solar cycle. Possible elections coming up both UK and US something that coincidentally brings about chaotic events. In the last one it was covid. 

A lot has transpired throughout this year but the biggest change has been not using salvia. 

I'll be continuing my focus on the biohacking. So far this winter I kind of took a step back as I feel I needed to reduce certain brain chemicals and wait for spring to emerge and then get the ball rolling. Also I have a feeling that spring is coming early. In some parts of the world there will be mini heatwaves as early as March especially in the UK. 

There will also be even more focus on AI and advancing of technology and technological influences. Much of my biohacking is to do with the natural Human Intelligence (HI) and activating this not really so much to compete with AI but to become aware of the brain capacity that has always been available to humans. 

It's a work in progress, I hope I can complete it in this lifetime or hopefully someone else can...

Thursday 23 November 2023

Lunar Eclipse Power Struggles and Using Astrology as a Compass

 I have been learning and understanding more about astrology recently and more through direct experience rather than reading about it.

Of course there is some reading to do in order to understand some of the ways that different planets influence daily life. I've even gone ahead and sorted out a birth chart. There are some challenging stuff on there but also some good stuff.

Lunar eclipses have some major effect on me - it's not very pretty I'm afraid. Things get chaotic and out of hand. The most recent had me on edge and tested my levels of power and how others around me influence my level of power. 

It's interesting beause there were a few very challenging aspects on this Lunar Eclipse on the 28th October; Mercury conjunct Mars and both these planets were opposition to Jupiter. I was very calm on this day to begin with but I think what happened is some of what I said on this day somehow triggered certain others. I could have easily avoided much of the struggles of this day if I had remained quiet but I felt I needed to express myself and in some ways glad as I had some startling revelations. But I am learning more about these influences and how to avoid these types of struggles.If I could rewind, turn back time and do things differently I would have avoided the confrontation but then I would not have had the revelations and it has set into motion some action that I think may be useful to me or just something that is meant to be. Next time I am going to be more mindful.

I think it's fair to say that on the next Lunar Eclipse I'll be hiding in some cave, far away from all opposing forces but I suppose these sort of things will catch up to you in some other ways.

I'm not a stranger to lunar eclipses and this wouldn't really be the first such chaos but it has so far been the most intense, so much that I really must take it all more seriously and cater my life around the cosmos. 

Recently I'm also seeing some influence of various planetary aspects, some that sync with my birth chart. I've been focusing on the moon for quite some time and already know much of their influence on me but these extra planetary aspects paint a clearer more detailed picture.  Solar Eclipse so far hasn't been all that eventful but the difference may be that the Solar Eclipse on 14th October did not have any other planetary aspects at the same time at least not to the degree it would bring up challenges.

Wednesday 18 October 2023

The Colorful Toy World

Recent OBE took place on the 18th October 2023. 

Most of the OBEs I have are spontaneous, no conscious effort on my part. Maybe just meditation when awakened from sleep which is basically WBTB technique.  

I exited the body more than once until I was able to sustain awareness. A few times I met my mum, moments that I am still recalling. 

In another trip I emerged in a world with large coloured almost plastic yet claylike structures. There was a deep feeling of familiarity and I remember thinking 'I've been here before'.

I'm going to attempt OBEs and deep dreaming in the coming months as we approach winter. I think this is the best time for these experiences. At the same time I'll be experimenting with deeper sleep states and healing.

Monday 2 October 2023

I am a Walk-In Soul

I was about 20 years old at the time. Pitch blackness, eyelids closed. Suddenly I can see some light peering through but it was blurry although I could make out the figure of a person looking down at me. Then a woman saying my name and I think she asked if I could hear her, I started very lightly nodding my head.

It was only yesterday I began to think about this, thoughts came so randomly. One minute I'm enjoying a really tasty moin moin and the next these thoughts pop up out of nowhere. 

I cannot recall anything except waking up at the hospital. Not much of an NDE in that sense except that I was either out of consciousness or clinically dead, something I never thought to enquire. 

I wondered about this blankness, complete darkness and then coming back into consciousness. Did I have an NDE and my brain has completely blocked me from it? I started to think about every aspect of my life after this, realized the sudden dramatic changes that seemed to have occured in me. Things I've never thought about before. 

I started gradually getting interested in the afterlife, ghosts, spirits, astral projection, out of body experiences, dreams and lucid dreams. Then I became keenly interested in law of attraction, focusing on self development. I really shapeshifted in a sense, no longer my former self. A self I couldn't recognise. It was after all the first 20 years of my life and I suppose that is when you start to build particular interests and move in a certain direction so at the time since the incident occured I didn't think much about it. In fact, at first I didn't think much at all. I was somewhat numb to thoughts and emotions. 

Previous to this NDE I didn't think much about God, may have pondered a few times growing up but I didn't have faith like anyone following a religion. However after the incident I became drawn to the idea that God is wathching me and will guide me. I recall one day silently sitting down and automatically praying feeling a presence telling me that everything was going to be alright. I remember being in a car heading to one of my sisters house where I was staying for several months after the incident, looking out the window not a bird in sight and I said to God to send me a sign that he is with me, I asked him to send a bird in the sky. In that moment a flock of birds flew by, then more birds followed. This made me feel joyful and very much at peace.

I remember after getting deep into metaphysical topics I encountered the topic of walk-ins. As I read more into it I had a feeling it happened to me but soon went straight into denial and stopped looking into it altogether. 

Yesterday when I thought about that incident and reviewing my past since that point it became so undeniably obvious to me that I ended up feeling all the pented up emotions . I did some major releasing. Letting it all out, some part of me was grieving. But what part and why? I've hid this from my own self for almost two decades now. It's amazing what the brain can block out. There was clearly something that held me back from accepting that the walk-in happened. What about the NDE if I did have one? Now I need to figure out if I had even died or simply lost consciousness. I don't know how long I was at the hospital, all sense of time had warped. 

The knowing is very undeniable to me, when you know something you just know it. I have looked up some of the symtpoms of a walk-in and can relate to almost all of it except the negative aspects. I would say since that incident I have grown into a much stronger person which I know most would think happens with age. I have found it very easy to grasp spirituality and spiritual concepts, as it comes very naturally. 

Also I don't think this body has had one walk-in, I think there have been a few others after this which may have occured during an excursion with salvia. 

I'm going to do some time travelling soon, not in the sense you might think. I have to travel back into the time of the incident that led me to the ICU at the hospital. Retrieve the memory and gain some understanding from that point. I will be activating acetylcholine and GABA neurotransmitters for this purpose and be very clear with my intentions.

Wednesday 20 September 2023

Using the Moon Phase as a Map

In the upcoming posts I'll be sharing as much as I can about biohacking with the various lunar cycles or moon phases. This is the process I am using at the moment. 

There are 4 check points in the lunar cycle, New Moon, First Quarter, Full Moon and Third Quarter Moon. In between these are other points such as Gibbous waning etc but these are the main. So for the time being I will focus on these checkpoints. 

I am drafting all this atm to put in a book which will be published soon but for the time being sharing brief information on this blog in order to share my journey so far. 

Within each of these checkpoints the brain is using a predominant neurotransmitter. 

New Moon to First Quarter Moon

The focus is on increasing Acetylcholine. This is a very powerful neurotransmitter and it's important not to overdo it as with any of the other neurotransmitters but this one specifically can fry your brain. But when done cautiously and producing just the right amount it produces the most amazing results. With peak levels my brain has worked super sharp, dreams are also a lot more vivid. The levels should rise gradually and a peak should be experienced on the First Quarter Moon. Acetylcholine in my view is like the alpha of the neurotransmitters, the beginning starting point, without it we can't produce two other vital neurotransmitters which we will see in the next checkpoint. In this phase the focus is on setting intentions and goals. Dreams can be vivid as acetylcholine increases REM sleep. 

First Quarter Moon to Full Moon

Once there is peak level of Acetylcholine on the First Quarter Moon it should help jumpstart the next main neurotransmitter of focus. That would be serotonin, the "happy molecule". There should be surges of creativity and joyful feelings. Emotions get really charged by full moon. Another neurotransmitter that works alongside this one is dopamine, the chemical for reward and motivation. Both are implicated in mood disorders and depression. There is also likely to be some gender based differences, maybe men need more dopamine than serotonin - something I am still working on understanding. Positive thinking is useful at this time but if we have enough neurotransmitters this shouldn't need to be practiced, it should happen naturally. There should be a gravitation towards positive thoughts, optimism and a heightened sense of gratitude. Practice is still helpful especially if needed, as most people have been programmed to think negatively and also when the body is out of balance due to toxins etc.

Full Moon to Third Quarter Moon 

By Full Moon dopamine should be peaking. Subsequently this is followed by neurotransmitters synthesised from dopamine - norepinephrine and epinephrine. We need them in smaller amounts and for shorter time. Norepinephrine is needed to help produce melatonin, so if we have produced adequate serotonin in previous checkpoint then melatonin production should be a breeze. Stay away from artificial light and sleep in the dark to help the melatonin production. Followed by this there is a surge of gamma amino butyric acid (GABA). GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter with calming relaxing effects. It helps with deep restful sleep and surges are seen during the night sleeping hours. This is where deep dreaming takes place and we experience NREM sleep. As we move towards the Third Quarter Moon some enzymes that help break down neurotransmitters such as Mono amine oxidase (MAO) and others that breakdown histamine are also present. These are essential for the detoxification process and a necessary component to manage the levels of neurotransmitters. 

Spiritually we can take the time to review our goals and how we have manifested during this cycle, those deep dreaming can reveal what we need to know at this time. 

Third Quarter Moon to New Moon

This is the detoxification phase. This phase is vital and the focus is on elimination of toxins. The best way to eliminate toxins is a healthy balanced diet and eating lots of fibre especially during this phase. Don't let waste in your body stagnate. Probiotics can be helpful as most people may have destroyed their gut through heavy pesticide food. 

Spiritually we can use this time for deeper introspection. As questions before falling asleep and all is revealed through dreams. Review the entire lunar cycle. 

This is just a very basic map. There's so much more to it such as hormones during each phase, various hormones work alongside the different neurotransmitters. I've also left out other neurotransmitters. 

In my view I believe women are meant to synchronize their menstrual cycle with the moon phase. My menstrual cycle did synchronize at one point but something changed and I'm just working that out - the most important thing for women to focus on is having a healthy normal menstrual cycle. The checkpoints may be different for men and women. 

I think using the map is easier for women as more scientific research is available and studies about female hormones and the menstrual cycle. I think generally though the moon map paints a pretty decent picture of the predominant neurotransmitters for men and women. For children it is much different as their developing brains are dependent on GABA levels more than the other neurotransmitters.

The changing seasons play a major role in neurotransmitter levels which means geolocation will greatly impact the requirements of neurotransmitters with spring and summer as a period of increase of the excitatory neurotransmitters. Autumn and winter we see more of the inhibitory neurotransmitters with sleep becoming deeper and more restful. 

I have been doing this research in the past few years, deepening my level of understanding and even using myself as a guinea pig. It has not been easy but an interesting journey. I have had a bumpy ride along the way, nothing is ever smooth sailing but I've learned a lot through my mistakes. In the upcoming posts I will be sharing some basic formulations for increasing these neurotransmitters such as various supplements and practices. 

What I've discovered from doing all this is that it really has heightened my level of intuition and energy. I want to go much deeper though as I feel I have only touched the surface. I have been able to increase psychedelic types of experiences but very briefly. I have also increased basic levels of awareness and mental states, such as deep restful sleep (and unfortunately even messed it up), motivation, creativity, focus, mental math, photographic memory to name a few.